Meg Duff is a journalist and audio producer from Northern California, currently based in Brooklyn. She writes about climate change.

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Christians Have ‘Climate Grief.’ How Can Churches Support Them?

by Meg Duff 06-11-2024

The church of St. Benedict stays dry from overland flooding, because of an earthen dike built around it after a flood in 1997, in southern Fargo, N.D., March 29, 2009. A dike holding back the swollen Red River failed early on Sunday and swamped a school in Fargo, N.D., but a backup dike contained the spill as cold weather favored flood fighting and evacuation efforts. REUTERS/Eric Miller

In every U.S. congregation, there are likely people experiencing grief, fear, or anger on behalf of creation. Most Americans now know that the climate is changing; according to recent surveys, a majority now also feel some level of climate-related stress or anxiety. But when terms like “climate grief” and “eco-anxiety” show up in the news, stories often point people toward individual behavior changes or activism, according to a recent study in the journal Environmental Research: Health. Missing from the conversation is the spiritual dimension of the climate crisis and the role that faith communities can play.