Lisa Sharon Harper, a former Sojourners columnist, is the founder and president of Freedom Road and author of Fortune and The Very Good Gospel. You can follow her work at

Posts By This Author

Just One Day ... for Lynne

by Lisa Sharon Harper 06-30-2009
I stepped up to the automatic sliding doors, but they didn't open. I knocked. The guard recognized me, waved, and the South Bronx-based special care facility opened arms of welcome.

How Advocacy Works

by Lisa Sharon Harper 02-24-2009
Advocating for the poor is crucial in this time of recession, but maybe you're a little nervous about actually walking into your member of Congress' office, even after the great training you ca

An Inauguration Pilgrimage: Dreams From My Mother

by Lisa Sharon Harper 01-21-2009

We waited for 30 minutes. Standing, awkward, we looked up at the board. When I arrived at Penn Station the board said train #167, enroute to Washington D.C., "25 mins late"... Five minutes later, "30 mins late." The terminal filled up, more people standing -- waiting ... and wondering if the others hovering with backpacks and napsacks and yoga mats were all waiting for the same thing.

A Poem in Honor of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

by Lisa Sharon Harper 01-12-2009
Sunday, January 11 was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. I wrote this poem, And to the Little Ones, in honor of the day.

Mary's Song: A Poem

by Lisa Sharon Harper 12-17-2008

Dark times
Regime change.
"How are we gonna make it?"
"How are we gonna live?"


Fear for breakfast
Trembling for brunch
Despair for dinner.

Black and White Evangelical Voters: A Teachable Moment

by Lisa Sharon Harper 11-06-2008
In the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday, November 5, Wolf Blitzer listed "The Losers" in Tuesday's historic election on CNN.

American First, Christian Second?

by Lisa Sharon Harper 10-14-2008
Recently, I watched an ongoing New York Times online report by Jennifer Steinhauer and Ben Werschkul called