Kermit M. Hovey, Jr. is a concerned Christ-following husband, father, son and citizen. As Director of Operations at Care of Creation, a globally engaged faith-based environmental action and outreach group he is mobilizing the church to care for creation. He also advocates for creation care and climate protection as a volunteer with Citizens Climate Lobby,, and the Middleton Climate Referendum Project. He is also an active co-founder of Climate Caretakers, a nationwide Evangelical Christian climate action and advocacy group. 


Posts By This Author

The Bipartisan Effort to Halt Climate Change

by Kermit Hovey 09-25-2017

Image via DarwelShots /

In my experience, Democrats in Congress see the iceberg and want to steer away while Republicans, with mercifully increasing exceptions, don't. Congressional offices tend to fall into three categories: climate affirmative, climate dismissive, and climate indifferent.

After the Climate March, Here's How to Continue Talking About Our Earth

by Kermit Hovey 05-26-2017

Image via Rob Crandall / Shutterstock

On Capitol Hill, we find Democrats acknowledge climate change, affirm the need for action, and sometimes even express frustration and discouragement that there has not been more action. It is as if they need more hope. On the other hand, we find Republicans continue to minimize climate change as a problem or maximize the unworkable unaffordability of a solution. Yet sometimes, off camera and behind the scenes, we encounter Republicans who fear calling for climate action due to the risk of being “primary-ed” or knocked out of an election in a primary. It is as if they need more courage.