Posts By This Author

Priest and Producer

by Judy Coode 04-01-1992

The entertainment business as a trade does not often seem to affirm the power of faithfulness or the goodness of human nature.

When You Have to Play Soul

by Judy Coode 12-01-1991

Hollywood's Irish Motown

Iran-Contra -- The Sequel?

by Judy Coode, by Brian Jaudon 08-01-1991

The October Surprise

The War's Most Deadly Phase

by Judy Coode, by Brian Jaudon 08-01-1991

Desert Storm euphoria masking the mess of post-war Iraq

Encyclical Spin Control

by Judy Coode, by Brian Jaudon 08-01-1991

"Up With Capitalism," exclaimed the May cover of Crisis magazine, a conservative Catholic monthly

COs' Crime Of Conscience

by Judy Coode, by Brian Jaudon 06-01-1991

Update on conscientious objectors

'From Dissent to Resistance'

by Judy Coode, by Brian Jaudon 04-01-1991

The waning media coverage of public dissent since the outbreak of the Gulf war in January (due partly to the public backlash against such dissent) makes it hard to get an accurate picture of the breadth of opposition around the country.