Posts By This Author

Yellow Light on Green Travel

Since no one wants to be Chevy Chase in the National Lampoon's Vacation series, it has become hip to be an ecotourist

Good Neighbors

The Council on American-Islamic Relations in Southern California has launched a billboard public awareness campaign promoting good will between Muslims and their neighbors.

Israel's Defense Forces: "No More"

More than 320 members of the Israeli Defense Forces have signed a pledge refusing "to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people" through "missions of occupation and oppression..."

Lust in Las Vegas

There has always been crossover from Saturday night to Sunday morning, but a Christian porn site?

Kids and Sex

Teen pregnancy, abortion, and birth rates have declined in the United States since 1991. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy lists 10 rules for effective sex education programs.

Glocalization (say what?)

McDonald's 29,000 restaurants in 120 countries make it the largest fast food franchise in the $112 billion-a-year industry.

Peaceable Kingdom Sighted

In our ongoing coverage of the bovine peace movement: Reuters radio revealed that ambassadorial cows are crossing the highly militarized border between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Good Drug Smugglers?

The French agency Doctors Without Borders and the South African AIDS activist group Treatment Action Campaign are smuggling cheaper generic versions of three anti-retroviral AIDS drugs...

News Bites

Little Mud Hut. Caritas International is building 425 adobe homes for Afghan refugees. Construction materials are mainly local clay and water.

Resources: Building Supplies

From a Maine potato farmer to a Hawaiian banana producer, The New American Farmer profiles farms and farmers across the United States...

Just Do It.

Friedensdorf, the international peace village in Germany, brought 8-year-old Mohammad Rahim and 30 other children from Kabul, Afghanistan, to Dusseldorf, Germany, last December for medical treatment.

Fun With Facts

The waste produced by one chicken in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-watt bulb for five hours.

Resources: Building Supplies

The Catholic Worker Cooperative Bakery in Guadalupe, California, offers fresh, handmade communion bread and hosts, with 100 percent organic whole-wheat flour.

Cows for Peace

Heifer International came up with a unique solution to a sticky problem. In the 1997 Albanian civil war, more than 500,000 weapons were stolen from military depots.

1,000 Words

Children in Putumayo, Colombia, painted this "before and after" mural of what U.S.-sponsored aerial fumigation has done to their homeland.

First, They Kill the Lawyers

The election last year of President Vicente Fox and Chiapas Gov. Pablo Salazar brought hope to Mexico's indigenous population...

Real Product: Super Savior

Archie McPhee's new "Jesus Action Figure" bends the question "What would Jesus do?" in some very weird ways.

Fun With Facts

In Chiapas, Mexico, farmers are getting 25 cents per pound for their coffee crop. Starbucks' specialty grind is sold for $14.95 per pound.

The Families That Roared

Did you see the recent Essence article about Dorothy Gaines? Or the Mademoiselle piece on Kellie Mann? Both women were convicted of minor nonviolent drug offenses.

Re-Education Camp

In Auburn, Alabama, two all-white fraternities wore blackface and Ku Klux Klan robes to Halloween parties; some even simulated a lynching. Both frats have been suspended.