Jessie's adventure toSojourners really began in high school when she started to realize that there is a history of social injustices in her great American country. Later studying psychology, minoring in Ethnic Studies and Spanish in college, she delved deeper into the many histories of injustices not only in America, but also around the world. She was involved in the Council of University Social Entrepreneurs who were dedicated to seek new ways to create business, but at the same time to be socially responsible to our brothers and sisters all over the world.
Being aware of such innovative ideas to fight poverty in certain communities internationally only increased Jessie's passion for justice. After much thought in regards to her direction, she decided to google "christian social justice groups" and Wah-la! She found Sojourners and its unique Internship Program.
Jessie is excited to be working with like-minded individuals for Christ.
Posts By This Author
Love Casts Out Fear
A couple of years ago, I remember speaking to a middle-schooler about his worries of the world. During our conversation, he told me one of his biggest fears centered around Muslims. When I asked why Muslims generated so much fear in him, he said they were scary and are out to hurt people.
"Look at 9/11," he said. "Terrorists may take over the U.S. and then the world."
Around the same time I heard similar concerns from a 10-year old in my Sunday School class who joked about the terrors of Islam and how Muslims were going to take over the world. Again, I asked him where he received these ideas, to which he responded, “from my church back in Southern California.”
Both times, I had to remind my students that sometimes churches get it wrong. All people are created in the image of God. Every person is a child of God. God’s love brings understanding, reconciliation, and peace among one another. God’s love casts out all fear.
Honoring the Lives of Japanese Americans on the 70th Anniversary of Internment Camps
Sunday, February 19, marked the 70th anniversary of the Japanese Internment Camps. In honor of the many Japanese Americans affected, the Japanese American National Museum partnered with Ancestry.com to start the Remembrance Project to ensure these Americans were not forgotten.
It’s important for Americans to remember this part of their history, George Takei tells The Washington Post.
I’m astounded by the number of people — particularly east of the Rockies — who say to me, aghast, ‘I had no idea such a thing had happened in the United States.’