Currently serving his eighth term in Congress, Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., is a Minority Whip; is the second-ranking member on the powerful House Rules Committee, which sets the terms for debate and amendments on most legislation, and is a member of the House Agricultural Committee. In those roles, McGovern has secured millions of dollars in federal assistance for Central and Southeastern Massachusetts. McGovern is also co-chair of both the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and the House Hunger Caucus.

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'I Expect Better of the Congress:' Rep. McGovern on SNAP Cuts

by James McGovern 07-12-2012
U.S. Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass. Courtesy McGovern office.

U.S. Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass. Courtesy McGovern office.

Editor's Note: On Wednesday, the House Agriculture Committee voted to slash $16.5 billion in nutrition assistance funding in the farm bill. Rep. James McGovern led efforts to stop the drastic cuts to anti-hunger programs. He offers his thoughts to Sojourners on the committee decision.

I am disappointed that a majority of the House Agriculture Committee voted against my amendment to eliminate the $16.5 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, included in the Farm Bill. These cuts are detrimental, cruel, and immoral. They literally take food away from hungry people; people who are poor; people who struggle to feed their families. SNAP is the most effective and efficient federal program. Let me repeat that – the most effective and efficient program. In fact, the error rate was 3.81 % in 2010, the lowest in the history of the program. And that rate continues to decrease.

It is false to say that these cuts won’t affect benefits or that they are merely closing loopholes. They will result in less food for hungry, low-income Americans – period.