Emily Peterson is Sojourners’s donor services assistant. A native of Staunton, Va., she comes to Sojourners by way of Atlanta, where she was living, working, and learning for the past two years. Emily received her undergraduate degree in English from the College of William and Mary and spent a year in the nonprofit field before beginning the process of pursuing an MDiv at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Working with Sojourners has been a lifelong dream for Emily, and she’s still pinching herself to make sure it’s real. She’s tremendously grateful for the opportunity to serve the movement for peace and justice in this capacity and to interface with the wonderful people who make this work possible.
When she is not managing our terrific Sustainers Circle community, Emily can be found hiking, enthusiastically perusing farmers' markets, reading “too much,” and exploring DC by foot. Her particular areas of interest on the activism front include conflict resolution and reconciliation (especially restorative justice), community capacity building, and the creative intersection of simplicity and sustainability.
Posts By This Author
Responding to Heartache with Action
“As [Jesus] came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, 'If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace!'" (Luke 19:41-42)
Things were bustling when we arrived at the Crystal City Doubletree that warm, cloudy Saturday morning. Bleary-eyed and fueled by toast and coffee, I stationed myself beside two of my fellow interns at the Sojourners exhibit table, which was draped in our signature orange. We were surrounded by representatives from all sorts of faith-based social justice initiatives, organizations that fight back against everything from torture to the water crisis. Sitting there at the head of the exhibit hall, it was obvious from the get-go that Sojourners is part of a robust, widespread community of Christians engaged in efforts for peace and justice.