Deena Guzder is a news producer at the national TV/radio show Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, the largest public media collaboration in the United States. Prior to joining Democracy Now!, Guzder covered human rights issues across the globe as a freelance reporter. She is also the author of Divine Rebels: American Christian Activists for Social Justice. Guzder is a graduate of Oberlin College and the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.

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An Arkansas Judge Participated in a Good Friday Vigil. It May Cost Him His Seat.

by Deena Guzder 05-24-2017

Image used with permission from Mitchell McCoy / KARK.

Griffen is still flummoxed how a ruling on a routine property case coupled with participation in his church’s Good Friday prayer vigil put him in the eye of a political storm — one that may now cost him his job. But he suspects the issue goes deeper than whether or not he impartially followed the law.