Deborah Krause is Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. An ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Deborah's teaching and scholarship focus on methods of biblical interpretation and their roots in critical theory, theology, culture, and politics. She currently serves as vice president with President Karen Anderson on the Board of Directors of Metropolitan Congregations United.
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Unrest in St. Louis? It Was Built to Be This Way.

Image via Gino Santa Maria/ Shutterstock
The test for religious leaders in this context has been nothing short of a demand for a prophetic voice which sees, names, and challenges the reality of a system that destroys the lives of some while parading as “law and order” for others. Faith leaders are finding themselves tangled in a quagmire of competing rhetoric about what makes for peace, walking the line of proclaiming prophetic vision amid a culture, a church, and a people tightly wrapped in the clutches of white supremacy.