Rev. Brittany Caine- Conley is lead organizer of Congregate Charlottesville, which formed in response to white supremacist violence and seeks to equip people of faith for public witness. Brittany is rooted in the subversive way of Jesus and enjoys dancing, deconstructing destructive dominions of dominance, and alliterations.

Posts By This Author

Jesus Was a Threat to Civility

by Brittany Caine-Conley 06-29-2018

This is not a time for the marketplace of ideas. There are people who believe that immigrant children are criminals. There are people who act as though queer folks are an abomination. There are people who consider every black and brown person to be a threat. These ideas are not worth debating. Logical conversations will not dissuade oppressors. Civility has never transformed the reality of the marginalized and it never will.