Bill Tammeus, a former columnist for The Kansas City Star, writes the daily “Faith Matters” blog for The Star’s website. E-mail him at
Posts By This Author
What Huston Smith Could Teach Donald Trump
Huston Smith, the man who helped the world understand other faiths, perhaps more than almost anyone else, died on Dec. 30 at age 97.
I first learned of it when my oldest sister, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., not far from Huston and Kendra Smith, sent me a note saying he had breathed his last about 7:30, the morning of Dec. 1, at his Berkeley home.
I was surprised that it took until Jan. 1 for a news story to show up about the death of this remarkable religion scholar.
‘Spotlight’ Was Just Nominated for 6 Oscars. But Will Journalists Dig up the Next Faith Scandal?

The cast of Spotlight. Image via Open Road Films/RNS
A few months before Robert W. Finn became bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, I interviewed him for The Kansas City Star about the challenges he might face when he replaced the much-loved Bishop Raymond Boland. Of course, neither Finn nor I had any way of knowing that a decade-plus later he would resign in disgrace, having been convicted of the misdemeanor crime of failing to notify law enforcement authorities about a suspected child-abusing priest in the diocese — a priest who now spends his time in prison.