Editor in Chief

Betsy Shirley is the editor in chief of Sojourners. Her writing and multimedia work has earned awards from the Religion News Association, Associated Church Press, and Evangelical Press Association. She lives in Washington, D.C.

Betsy began working at Sojourners in 2015. Before being named editor-in-chief, Betsy served most recently as editor of sojo.net and has held editorial positions for both Sojourners’ print and online teams. She served as an editorial assistant from 2010-2011 as part of the Sojourners Fellowship Program.

Betsy earned a B.A. in English and creative writing from Butler University and a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School. She is a past president and current board member of the Religion News Association; she additionally serves on the board of the Religion News Foundation.

Posts By This Author

Facebook, Freedom Riders, and Other Lessons in Nonviolent Activism

by Betsy Shirley 05-16-2011
By the time Egyptian activists in Tahrir square had ousted Mubarak, I'd read more articles labeling it a "Facebook revolution" than you can wave a shoe at.

Osama, Obama, and Twitter

by Betsy Shirley 05-04-2011
Seconds after news of Osama bin Laden's death, I logged on to Twitter and watched the 140-character updates roll in.

Sister Act

by Betsy Shirley 04-01-2011

Benedictine women in Wisconsin are practicing new (and ancient) ways to save the earth, starting with the home front.

Extended Interview with Enuma Okoro

by Enuma Okoro, by Betsy Shirley 03-01-2011

Enuma Okoro grew up in four countries, including Nigeria and the Ivory Coast, and describes her religious education as "doses of Roman Catholicism washed down with long gulps of multiflav

Worship's Joys and Dangers

by Betsy Shirley, by Enuma Okoro 03-01-2011

Author Enuma Okoro talks about life and liturgy.

'Have You Tried Washing Their Feet?'

by Betsy Shirley 02-22-2011

A few weeks ago, I got a free sermon on the metro.

Indiana Immigration: Hoosier Neighbor?

by Betsy Shirley 02-14-2011
I love Indiana. I love driving through cornfields, playing Euchre, and getting swept up in basketball-mania.

Uncommon Worship

by Betsy Shirley 02-01-2011
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals, by Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, and Enuma Okoro. Zondervan.

7 Essential Tips for Fitting in With the Christian Literary Underground Scene Near You!

by Betsy Shirley 10-21-2010

While perusing everything from Amish fiction to Zondervan's latest publications at the Calvin College Festival of Faith and Writing this past April, I discovered what we here at Sojourners affectionately call the "Christian Literary Underground" -- a small group of literary magazines and independent book publishers that have "staked a cl

Climate Refugees: A Cordial Introduction

by Betsy Shirley 10-06-2010

[Editor's Note: On October 10 (10.10.10), 350.org is coordinating 2700 events in 150 countries to address the concerns of climate change together as a planet.

Coal Country: Is it Mine or God's?

by Betsy Shirley 09-27-2010
[Editor's Note: On 10.10.10, 350.org is coordinating 2700 events in 150 countries to address climate change