Angela Doll Carlson is a poet, fiction writer and essayist whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Apeiron Review, Thin Air Magazine, Eastern Iowa Review, Burnside Writer's Collective, St. Katherine Review, Rock and Sling, "Good Letters," Ruminate Magazine Blog, Elephant Journal, and Art House America. Her memoir, Nearly Orthodox: On Being a Modern Woman in an Ancient Tradition from Ancient Faith Publishers is now available. Her next book, Garden in the East is expected in 2016.
Her writing can also be found on her blogs at NearlyOrthodox.com and MrsMetaphor.com.
Angela currently lives in Chicago with her husband, David, and her 4 outrageously spirited yet remarkably likable children.
Posts By This Author
A Prayer: For Those of Us With Souls Still Under Construction

Image via Lev Kropotov / Shutterstock.com
I am driving down Western Avenue in Chicago trying to remember a prayer by heart. I drive this way most days. It’s a speedy through-route to points of interest south of me. Suddenly, the overpass that took the brunt of that traffic is gone, and we are left with one, wide road. The middle lanes are closed to rebuild. We drive on the outer roads, either side of the construction zone, banked up against the chain link fences that keep us out, and the workers in, I suppose.