Abby Perry is a columnist for Fathom Magazine and a freelancer with work in Coffee + Crumbs, Christ and Pop Culture, and Mothers Always Write. Her Prophetic Survivors series features profiles of survivors of #ChurchToo sexual abuse. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. Find her on Twitter @abbyjperry.

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'People Have Been Crying Out for Years ... ' Survivors Respond to SBC's Recommendations on Abuse

by Abby Perry 02-22-2019

Photo by Igor Rodrigues on Unsplash

As thankful as I am to see Greear speaking clearly and mournfully about sexual abuse in the SBC, I feel concerned by this praise-swirled-with-certainty-of-divine-intervention. It seems to surpass encouragement and land at a premature rendering of Greear as a hero. I fear that too many are equating words of sorrow over sexual abuse with a proportionate, justice-oriented response.