When Jesus Went to Egypt: A Hymn for Immigrant Families | Sojourners

When Jesus Went to Egypt: A Hymn for Immigrant Families

Image via Reuters//Loren Elliott/

When Jesus went to Egypt,
Safe on his mother’s arm,
His parents stayed beside him
To keep him safe from harm.
And when they crossed the border,
They were allowed to be
Together – seeking refuge –
A Holy Family.

O God, we pray for children
And families coming here
Now facing separation,
And filled with grief and fear.
For children, loved and treasured,
Are ripped from loving kin. 
This deed, by any measure,
Is torture. It’s a sin!

O God, you’re like a mother
Who won’t forsake her own.
You’re like a loving father
Who welcomes his son home.
Now give us, by your Spirit,
The strength to challenge wrong,
To seek the best for children,
And keep all families strong.

Biblical references: Matthew 2:12-18; Isaiah 49:15; 66:13; Luke 15:11-32; Matthew 25:31–46
Tune: Hans Leo Hassler, 1601; harmony by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1729: PASSION CHORALE D ("O Sacred Head, Now Wounded")
Text: Copyright © June 2018 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: bcgillette@comcast.net New Hymns: www.carolynshymns.com

Permission is given for free use of this hymn to churches seeking to support Sojourners and immigrant families. Please share this hymn with others. Thank you.