Weekly Wrap 4.21.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 4.21.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. The Heart of Whiteness: Ijeoma Oluo Interviews Rachel Dolezal, the White Woman Who Identifies as Black

“It is white supremacy that told her that any black people who questioned her were obviously uneducated and unmotivated to rise to her level of wokeness. It is white supremacy that then elevated this display of privilege into the dominating conversation on black female identity in America.”

2. Bookstore on Wheels Turns Heads in Baghdad

25-year-old Ali al-Moussawi stolls with his book trolley through the once-ancient artistic capital of Baghdad to remind people of the stories that still exist.

3. March for Science. And Climate.

This weekend is the March for Science. Next week is the People's Climate March. LISTEN to our audio short, where we have a serious chat with scientists about religion. Then WATCH our video short, where we very non-seriously contemplate whom we might meet at the Climate March.  

4. 'Model Minority' Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks

“The perception of universal success among Asian-Americans is being wielded to downplay racism's role in the persistent struggles of other minority groups, especially black Americans.”

5. No, The American Church Isn’t 'in Exile'

David Congdon reminds us that the American church should be unafraid to reclaim a home in American culture.

6. How ‘S-Town’ Fails Black Listeners

“By not delving into racism of small-town America, a podcast listened to by millions removes a history of blackness."

7. Hot Takes and “Problematic Faves:” the Rise of Socially Conscious Criticism

“Modern criticism’s affinity for discussing social issues has changed pop culture, for creators and audiences alike.”

8. Reporting on Rural America and Class

Sarah Smarsh is a renowned class, politics, and policy reporter with a rural upbringing. She explains how the media simplifies the politics and culture of rural America.

9. Last Stand: Nebraska Farmers Could Derail Keystone XL Pipeline

Nebraska Farmers say the Keystone XL pipeline running through their land is a threat to framing and grazing lands and could hinder the pipeline construction.

10. How Donald Trump’s Success Produced Bill O’Reilly’s Downfall

“The backlash to the Trump presidency — the outrage it stoked among those very losers, the restive progressive base, and the subsequent push towards collective, grassroots action — was precisely the force that secured O’Reilly’s demise.”