Weekly Wrap 4.13.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 4.13.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. PHOTOS: Scenes from Holy Week Around the World

The Atlantic gathers stunning images as Christians around the world celebrate Holy Week and Easter.

2. The Civil Rights Luminary You’ve Never Heard Of

She was a poet, writer, activist, labor organizer, legal theorist, and Episcopal priest. Learn more about Pauli Murray in this great New Yorker piece.

3. During Holy Week, Iraqi Christians March 80 Miles for Peace

“… we thank God for liberating our villages from the Islamic State,” Father Youssef says in Arabic, addressing a small congregation in the Ashty Camp in Northern Iraq. Follow the group in this photo essay taken on Palm Sunday.

4. Superbabies Don’t Cry

“We want SuperHumans so we can transcend that thing we are: human. But a SuperHuman would lack that crack in everything through which, as Leonard Cohen sang, the light gets in. There’s something in our suffering that we need. We’ve known this for millennia, and we make it clear in the stories we keep telling. The Buddha gave up his palace and meditated beneath a tree for a week. Jesus of Nazareth said yes to a cross. Our ache is our unfortunate, undeniable doorway. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, says the copper lady with the torch. When we walk into our pain, we sometimes find ourselves on the other side, freed of what we once thought we needed to feel free.”

5. ‘How Not to Get Shot By Police’ Could Become the Newest U.S. High School Class

A new Texas bill would require that high schools and drivers ed classes instruct students on how to “conduct themselves” during encounters with police.

6. 25 Books in Our Resistance Library

What would you add?

7. Outed as Transgender on ‘Survivor’ — and in Real Life

Wednesday evening TV audiences watched as one of the contestants outed another man as transgender. Many are decrying the move, both by the contestant and by the show creators’ decision to air it.

8. What Counts as Cheating and Adultery in a Digital Age?

In a country where 1-in-4 people don’t think a one-night stand is cheating, what does that mean for how we view communicating with an ex on Facebook or keeping an online dating site profile up to date while coupled?

9. In North Tulsa, Race Meets Place

“James Baldwin wrote, ‘People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.’ Tulsa’s history of racial injustice has been so intertwined into the tapestry of the city and so engrained in its policy landscape that inequity has become the acceptable status quo.”

10. While Men Were in Hiding, Women Delivered the Greatest News the World Has Ever Known

When things get rough, when everyone else flees or is in hiding, very often it is the women who stand up.

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