Weekly Wrap 12.1.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 12.1.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Christians Arrested Reading Scripture in Senate Office Building
Powerful video of 12 Christian leaders arrested in the Hart Senate Building while reading from the #2000verses in the Bible on poverty and justice, speaking out against the GOP Tax Bill.

2. Great Injustice Calls for Great Action
“… this milestone bill will determine social outcomes for many years to come. Its passage will create a complete shift in the social safety net as we have known it, and it will signal a change that government will no longer care for the needs of the poor — the criteria that the biblical prophets demand of all those who rule.”

3. The Gospel of De-Gentrification
De-gentrification is a core purpose of New City Church in Minneapolis. From its pastor: “What I heard, again and again, was ‘I guess I’m too poor to live in a safe and green neighborhood.' As a person of faith, that is a narrative that I have to categorically reject.”

4. See How Jesus’ Burial Site Evolved from a Cave to Church Over 2,000 Years
Very cool interactive piece from National Geographic.

5. ‘Facepalm Jesus’ Adorns Signs on D.C. Church
While undergoing construction, St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., put up signs along fencing featuring an image of Jesus facepalming with phrases like, “Yes, science is real,” and “The president said what?”

6. The Christian Legal Army Behind ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’
“ADF now exerts far more influence than other legal organizations that litigate religious-freedom cases … As the courts have ruled in favor of marriage equality over the past decade, ADF has positioned itself at the very center of the efforts to curtail LGBTQ rights under the guise of religious freedom.”

7. This Traveling Cinema Uses Solar Energy to Bring Movies and Joy to Puerto Rico’s Ravaged Cities
Look: Uplifting news! “We want to get people out of their homes, to entertain them for a moment, to converse, to spread knowledge. I think that’s something we need now more than ever, and that’s what is going to make us stronger, as a county and community.”

8. Of Course, Roy Moore Is in a Twitter Fight with Jimmy Kimmel
Over “Christian values.”

9. Amber Heard, Johnny Depp, and the Changing Conversations Around Abuse
“We may never know exactly how Heard got that black eye, or hear the other side to the story she told in her divorce filing. But if she had come forward as ‘believe women’ was becoming a guiding principle, we would likely talk about their story differently.”

10. Coco Honors Family, Past and Present
Tl;dr: Go see Coco.

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