Weekly Wrap 10.19.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 10.19.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. The Poor People’s Campaign Calls Out ‘Policy Violence’

The campaign wants to advance a new understanding of poverty as a traumatic experience inflicted by policy-makers.

2. A Religious Leader for the Resisterhood

An Evangelical Texan is now using her pulpit to fight Trumpism. Will her flock follow?

3. ProPublica's 'Unprotected' Investigation a Cautionary Tale for Christian Do Gooders

“Up to 30 Liberian schoolgirls fell victim to charity, good intentions, and unbridled compassionate energy when an American-based nonprofit school, More Than Me, failed to protect the girls it purported to educate and save from the streets.”

4. It Will Take Millions of Years for Mammals to Recover From Us

In less than 130,000 years, humans have sawed off the most evolutionarily distinct branches from our family tree.

5. The #MeToo Movement’s Roots in Women Workers’ Rights

An unsung shero of the early 20th century, Rose Schneiderman organized women to fight for laws to protect them from sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.

6. Removing the Burden of Shame: Sexual Assault in Asian-American Communities

“Connie's story helps to challenge the all too common understanding that sexual assault brings shame upon the person who is assaulter — the shame should be on the person who commits the assault, not on the survivor.”

7. The Latinx Community's Complicated Relationship With The N-Word

Many have used the word their whole lives, and still use it daily. But others question their relationship to this word and who has permission to use it.

8. State Spending on Higher Education Has Dropped. Hispanic and Black Families are Bearing the Costs

“The lowest income students today need to find a way to finance more than 150 percent of their families’ annual income in order to go to a four-year college for one year."

9. Dolores Huerta is Still Knocking on Doors and Registering Voters at 88

The iconic labor activist talks about the Latino vote, Howard Zinn and the ‘year of the woman.’

10. How Do We Declare Creation 'Very Good' in the Face of Climate Change?

A new United Nations report paints a dire future for life on earth. It's time to adapt our faith.

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