WATCH: Colbert Shows Why GOP Leaders Need to Welcome the Stranger | Sojourners

WATCH: Colbert Shows Why GOP Leaders Need to Welcome the Stranger

YouTube / The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Photo via YouTube / The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

GOP leadership really doesn’t want refugees to come to the United States. And Stephen Colbert has a few things to say about that.

Congress approved a bill Nov. 19 requiring “our nation’s top security officials” to certify that each refugee poses no threat, despite the United States’ already stringent immigration guidelines. Under the guise of “security,” the bill severely restricts the number of Syrian refugees able to enter the United States.

Apart from the bill, every Republican candidate for president has come out against accepting Syrian refugees. Cruz and Bush have said we should only accept Christian refugees, while Donald Trump even argued that it’s too cold for refugees in the U.S. (Just wait ‘til you see how Colbert gets ahold of that comment).

When Jeb Bush was asked how exactly to prove someone is a Christian, he shrugged uncomfortably and struggled to give any specific criteria. But Colbert, good Catholic that he is, had criteria:

“If you want to know if somebody is Christian, just ask them to complete this sentence: Jesus said ‘I was hungry,’ and you gave me something to eat, ‘I was thirsty,’ and you gave me something to drink, ‘I was a stranger,’ and you… _________”

“And if they don’t say ‘welcomed me in,’ they are either a terrorist or they are running for president.”