Trump Budget Proposes Major Cuts to Education, State, EPA, More | Sojourners

Trump Budget Proposes Major Cuts to Education, State, EPA, More

On March 16, the Trump administration released President Donald Trump’s proposal for the 2018 federal budget, revealing a list of significant cuts to various federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the State Department, and the Department of Education.

If President Trump gets his way, the Environmental Protection Agency will suffer the largest budget cut of the federal agencies mentioned in his proposal, Trump axing 31 pecent of the EPA’s budget. The State Department would lose 29 percent of its budget, eliminating a large amount of aid for other countries.

Other critical agencies would face steep budget cuts: the Department of Education would lose 14 percent of its budget, the Department of Labor would receive a 21 percent budget cut, the Department of Health and Human Services would receive an 18 percent budget cut, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development would lose 13 percent of its budget.

The only three agencies whose budgets Trump plans to increase are the Department of Veteran Affairs (a 6 percent increase), the Department of Homeland Security (a 7 percent increase), and the Defense Department (a 9 percent increase).

Ultimately, it's up to Congress will decide whether to adopt or deny President Trump’s recommendations for the government’s 2018 federal spending.

Read more here.