#ThingsJesusNeverSaid | Sojourners


Image via @SnoopPuggyPug/Twitter

Update, 5/8/2017: Over the weekend, old hashtag favorite #ThingsJesusNeverSaid began trending once again on Twitter. Many tweets this time around were were health care-related, seemingly in response to the draconian health care bill passed by the House on Thursday.

Faith voices weighed in over the weekend, including Fr. James Martin:

Others chimed in:

But while this round of tweets was focused on sickness and health, the hashtag has been used more broadly before. Dozens of faith voices got into the conversation in 2015 to clarify some other things about what Jesus said and didn't say in our holy texts.

Tweets ranged from pointed:

To poignant:

And meta:

And maybe our favorite:

Thanks, Twitter. #blessed