Thank you to everyone who has responded by writing a Thank-You Note. (It's not too late! You can still participate HERE.)
Here is a roundup of some of your kind words so far.
"Thank you for your dedication to the core teachings of Jesus. Your work with "the least among us", often at great personal sacrifice to yourselves, is an inspiration to me and represents the very best of the Catholic Church."
"For healing the sick and broken, prophetically standing with the most vulnerable in areas of violent conflict, feeding the hungry, teaching children and adults, visiting the prisoners and helping them re-enter society when they are freed, defending creation, proclaiming the gospel in word and deed, and working always for the least of these: Thank you."
"You helped me learn the centrality of the Eucharist and what it really means to "go to confession." You showed me how to be a woman and a Catholic."
"As a social worker, I am so impressed with the work of sisters worldwide to address issues of poverty, hunger, dispair, injustice, and other social issues that many are afraid to take on."
"To the Sylvania OH Franciscans who taught me oh, so much and who modeled for me true compassion and desire for social justice, my thanks and love."
"Essentially, I spent my entire life up until college being educated by nuns, zero of whom fit the stereotype of the scary, knuckle-smacking birds in black. To this day, I delight in informing shocked people that no, I never had a ruler come down across my hands during my twelve years in Catholic school. Each of the nuns I had the pleasure of interacting with was committed to education and making the world a better place, especially through imparting those values to the young people in their charge."
"I have loved working with the Catholic sisters out here in Los Angeles- working alongside those who are poor, oppressed, and marginalized. Your ministry truly shows what it means to be Christ in the world, and I thank you for it! "
Got something to say about what you're reading? We value your feedback!