Stephen Colbert to Bill Maher: 'Come on Back' to the Church | Sojourners

Stephen Colbert to Bill Maher: 'Come on Back' to the Church

YouTube / The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Photo via YouTube / The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Bill Maher is known for his often vitriolic rhetoric against religion, especially Islam. But the comedian and talk show host was actually raised Catholic. When Maher stopped by the Late Show to chat with Stephen Colbert, America’s most famous Catholic invited him to give Catholicism another try. Their conversation was clearly tongue-in-cheek, but you can certainly feel some tension.

“Come on back, Bill,” Colbert said, after asking Maher about his upbringing. “The door is always open. Golden ticket right before you. All you have to do is humble yourself before the presence of the Lord, admit there are things greater than you in the universe that you do not understand, and salvation awaits you.”

“I do admit there are things greater in the universe than me,” Maher responded. “But my response to that is not to make up silly stories.”

After Maher made a few more snarky comments about religion, Colbert playfully took the high road, falling back upon one of Christianity’s cardinal virtures.

“You see my religion teaches me humility in the face of this kind of attack.”