Sen. Tim Kaine Is Hillary Clinton's Choice for VP | Sojourners

Sen. Tim Kaine Is Hillary Clinton's Choice for VP

Virginia Department of Transportation / Flickr
Photo via Virginia Department of Transportation / Flickr

Hillary Clinton announced July 22 that Sen. Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia will be her running mate.

The son of a welder, Kaine is one of 20 people in American history to serve as mayor, governor, and United States senator.

He is known for advancing liberal causes and working across the aisle in his battleground state of Virginia. Generally thought of as less progressive than other potential vice presidential nominees Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro, Kaine could help Clinton attract moderates turned off by Donald Trump's rhetoric.

Kaine also professess close ties to his Roman Catholic faith. On a year off from Harvard Law School, Kaine volunteered with the Jesuits in Honduras. While there, he became fluent in Spanish and developed a lasting concern for the country. In 2013 Kaine testified before the Human Rights Commission about violence and corruption in Honduras.

Kaine is expected to speak at the the Democratic National Convention, which begins July 25.