Whenever I see holy hipster author-speakers flying around the world to peddle their products, I feel like hurling The Green Bible in their general direction. How in God's name can anyone claim to be an expert in bringing forth new forms of church while leaving behind a carbon footprint that would put Godzilla to shame?
Though I have cut down on my holy hiphopping from place to place like I'm some biblical bunny, I still find that sometimes I have to travel as part of my profession. This tension reminds me a bit of Paul, who says in Romans 7:18-19: "I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing."
So as I plan a major research trip for this summer and fall, I am taking pains to incorporate into the logistics the need to practice creation care. I've also realized I'm by no means the only one who struggles with this tension. So I've asked some fellow pilgrims to share their reflections on how they deal with this 21st century dilemma.
[to be continued ...]
Becky Garrison is featured in the documentaries Nailin' it to the Church and The Ordinary Radicals. This article is excerpted from the forthcoming "Experiments With Truth" issue of Geez magazine due out March 10.
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