Christians Consensually Uphold Constructs of a God That Can’t Transcend Republican Politics

Right now as the new health bill is being constructed, I see that my pre-existing conditions are all over that bill and it makes me and my immediate family afraid and anxious. I have had diabetes since age 9, kidney disease since age 14, I received a kidney transplant when I was 18, and from then till now at the age of 37, I have dealt with countless hospital visits, medical complications and several near-death experiences.

Even more frightening than my pre-existing conditions is living with them in a land where Christians consensually uphold constructs of a God that can't transcend Republican politics.

I have a beautiful wife, two rad kids, and I'm naturally running out of time ... I feel like this bill and the folks that support it are trying to speed up the process and get rid of me and my burden.