O Christ, We Remember the Things That You Did | Sojourners

O Christ, We Remember the Things That You Did

A Hymn for Equal Access to Health Care
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The Bible speaks about health, wholeness, and health care in countless places. God calls us to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8) We are just and kind when we care for others who are hurting; we walk humbly with God when we take seriously God’s will. God’s will is for children to grow healthy and strong and for all people to live long, healthy lives. Jesus came bringing health and healing — see all the healing stories of Jesus, including the story of Jesus healing the man lowered through the roof in Mark 2:1-12. He told the parable of the Good Samaritan, a person who made it a priority to provide medical care for a stranger. Jesus went out of his way to care for the poor and the outcast, and he called us to do the same. He told his followers to “do unto others as you would have others do unto you;” that surely includes making sure that others have access to the same, good-quality health care that we want for ourselves and our loved ones. 

Below is a hymn written about health care, healing, and God's vision for our world. 

O Christ, We Remember the Things That You Did
(To the tune of "To God Be the Glory")

O Christ, we remember the things that you did,

The lessons you taught us, the way that you lived.

You cared for the suffering, the sick, and the poor;

You worked with compassion to heal and restore.


By the grace of our God, you brought life to the earth;

As you healed those in need, you saw each person’s worth.

May we who proclaim you now answer your call

To bring hope and healing — and health care to all.

A crowd filled the house where you taught them God’s truth;

A sick man was lowered right down through the roof.

His friends wanted access to your healing hand;

You welcomed him, healed him, and helped him to stand.


When young ones and old ones and poor ones were ill

You let others know that it wasn’t God’s will.

The poor and the struggling were loved by God, too;

Good health wasn’t just for the privileged few.


Remind us, O God, that when care is denied,

The needy will suffer and many will die.

May we work for justice — and care that extends

Beyond just our neighbors and loved ones and friends.


Biblical References: Micah 6:8; Isaiah 65:17-25; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 10:25-37;

Matthew 25:31-46; 7:12.

Tune: William Howard Doane, 1875.

Text: Copyright © 2017 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.