#UnitedWeFight — Clergy in Ferguson March for Justice | Sojourners

#UnitedWeFight — Clergy in Ferguson March for Justice

A photo essay by Heather Wilson
Image via Heather Wilson/Dust and Light Photography

On Monday, fifty-seven people were arrested as part of the #UnitedWeFight march and peaceful civil disobedience at the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse. The march was in commemoration of the year-long resistance sparked in #Ferguson by the murder of #MikeBrown.


Together, hundreds of community leaders, activists, organizers, and clergy from the St. Louis, Mo., area and nationwide demanded U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri Richard Callahan take immediate action on the findings of the Department of Justice reports.

“The Department of Justice reports merely confirmed what the local community knows all too well. But the almost complete lack of action on the multitude of well-documented state abuses is just one more betrayal of the people of St. Louis and the black and brown community nationwide,” said the Reverend Osagyefo Sekou, Bayard Rustin Fellow with the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). 

When clergy and activists breached the barricades and sat in front of the building, they were slowly arrested as the St. Louis police arrived in the dozens.

All photos via Heather Wilson, Dust and Light Photography.

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