The Battle for 2016 | Sojourners

The Battle for 2016

Olga Zhvakina /

Over the course of this year, there have been many moments have brought me hope. From the show of solidarity in the faith community after the terrible tragedy in Charleston, S.C., to seeing many speak out against anti-Muslim rhetoric. I’ve witnessed Pope Francis bring his message of unity and peace to America. I’ve seen young and old declare that black lives do indeed matter. And we celebrated a landmark climate agreement from the world’s leaders in Paris. I am hopeful for the future ... but only if we put out faith into action for social justice, and we need your help.

Even while I am hopeful, I understand that we are living in a very dangerous time. Fear is widespread, insecurity is growing, and both are being manipulated for individual political gain. Ugly biases are often implicit, but they are more and more explicit now. The moral battle of 2016 will be fear vs. hope and hate vs. love. Candidates will react as it seems to serve their interests. But these issues must be fought on deeper levels than politics. And we are committed to doing that.

Sojourners will be in the middle of these battles. And to be there, we will need your prayers and help. Whether standing with immigrants and refugees, supporting racial minorities in the continued journey toward justice, defending the religious liberty of Muslims in this country, or protecting the poor in the debates of a Congress that only serves special interests, Sojourners will be on the front lines. And for that we will need your support .

Turning from hate to love, and fear to hope will be central to our mission in 2016. I know we can’t do that alone — we must do it together.

We at Sojourners put together this video, beautifully inspired by the work we do here. I hope even in the midst of a climate of fear, it will bring you encouragement.

Please watch. Donate. Become a Sojourner.