Afternoon News Bytes: Jan. 11, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon News Bytes: Jan. 11, 2012

THE HUFFINGTON POST: The Politics Of The White Working Class In The 2012 Election
In New Hampshire, Rick Santorum is attempting to move beyond his familiar identity as the social conservative's dream candidate, by emphasizing a carefully calibrated conservative version of economic populism.
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FOX NEWS: Evangelicals Urge Young Latinos To Vote
Hispanic evangelical leaders on Tuesday issued an urgent call for "comprehensive and fair" immigration reform and encouraged young Latinos to register to vote and participate in the U.S. presidential election in November.
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DAILY KOS: Gallup: Jobs And The Economy A Much Bigger Concern Than Deficits
In a post this morning about national satisfaction inching up (but still low), Gallup has an important point to make about the relative importance of jobs and the economy vs. the deficit.
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THE HILL: Romney: Evangelicals Know I'm Not Running For 'Pastor-In-Chief'
Mitt Romney said he was pleased with the level of support he received from evangelical voters in New Hampshire, and said he also expects to do well with the group in conservative South Carolina because voters there know he’s not running to be “pastor-in-chief.”
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THE ATLANTIC: Guantanamo Bay: A Wound We Won't Let Heal
When I think of the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, now exactly 10 years old, I think of Mustafa Ait Idr. He was one of the hundreds of men who were rounded up and detained at Gitmo in the months following the terror attacks on America and who were later released out of political convenience or because the evidence against them was not credible or was simply non-existent. As America observes this dubious anniversary -- a wound we still refuse to allow ourselves to close -- men like Idr deserve to have their stories retold.  
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THINK PROGRESS: Undocumented Immigrant Who Helped Police Solve Murder Now Facing Deportation
An undocumented immigrant who came forward to help police solve a high-profile murder is being rewarded for his bravery by being deported.
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REUTERS: Elections No Threat To Global Climate Deal: U.N.
This year could see a sweeping change in national political leaders in large greenhouse gas emitters, including the United States, Russia, China and Japan, in elections or polls.
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TIME: Evangelicals’ Last-Ditch Effort to Unite in the GOP Race
Some 125 evangelical leaders and their spouses will gather this weekend at a Texas ranch to discuss the latest iteration of Operation What To Do About Mitt Romney. While organizers say it is not a meeting to stop the GOP front runner, the invitation is urgent: “This coming election could prove to be the most critical of our lifetime,” it reads.
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THINK PROGRESS: Obama: We Don’t Have To ‘Make A Choice Between Having Clean Air And Clean Water And Growing This Economy’
Speaking to EPA staff today, President Obama discussed his commitment to efforts toward cleaner air. In his remarks, Obama highlighted EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s leadership in creating a major new EPA rule that cuts mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants
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THE GUARDIAN (UK): Poverty In America Likely To Get Worse, Report Finds
Millions of Americans will be forced into poverty in the coming years even as the US hauls itself out of the longest and deepest recession since the Second World War.
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