25 Percent of Troops See White Nationalism in U.S. Military, Poll Shows | Sojourners

25 Percent of Troops See White Nationalism in U.S. Military, Poll Shows

Image via Infinite_Eye / Shutterstock.com

Appoximately 1-in-4 troops polled have witnessed white nationalism in the military, according to a new poll from The Military TimesOf 1,131 active-duty service members, 30 percent surveyed that white nationalism poses a greater threat to U.S. national security than ISIS conflicts in Syria and Iraq, as additionally reported by Newsweek

The majority of white nationalism concerns were voiced by troops of color in the ranks, with 42 percent saying they have directly encountered white nationalism in the military. 18 percent of white service members agreed. The poll noted pushback against white nationalism concerns.

The Military Times reports:

 Nearly five percent of those polled left comments complaining that groups like Black Lives Matter — whose stated goal is to raise awareness of violence and discrimination towards black people — weren’t included among the options for threats to national security. ... Singling out white supremacist groups irritated some of the troops surveyed.

“White nationalism is not a terrorist organization,” wrote one Navy commander, who declined to give his name.

“You do realize white nationalists and racists are two totally different types of people?” wrote another anonymous Air Force staff sergeant.

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