Education & Training

Sojourners develops and leads seminars and workshops, creates curriculum, and convenes events to educate and empower faith based social justice advocates.

Leadership development

Robust, diverse, next-generation leadership is essential for fostering justice, peace, and dignity for all. These opportunities include:

  • Sojourners Fellowship Program offers an entry-level position at Sojourners’ offices in Washington, D.C., combined with community living for mutual support and personal growth.
  • The Church’s Response to the Immigration Crisis - Thinking about how the church can continue to respond to the immigration crisis? Join Sojourners and Fuller Centro Latino for a 6-month cohort that will equip you with theological basis, historical overview, and practical responses toward building a just immigration system
  • The Sojourners Journalism Cohort is a part-time, five-month, remote training program designed to give early-career, non-white writers access to hands-on, paid training as freelance journalists in the areas of religion and social justice.
  • The Rising Leaders Fellowship is a one-year intensive leadership development initiative for BIPOC faith leaders involved in spiritually grounded justice efforts.

On-demand courses and guidebooks

You can access many of the webinars, lectures, and video-based courses that Sojourners has led for free. Sojourners has toolkits and discussion guides on many social justice-related topics that can help shape your personal growth, adult education, group study, church leadership, and academic work. Whether you want introspective reflections for your personal spiritual growth, shared small group community, or preparation for collective public action, Sojourners has resources for you.

  • Theology and Racialized Policing is designed for faith leaders, community advocates, and all those who are committed to advancing justice and equity, especially within communities of color affected by the systemic challenges of policing, mass incarceration, and racial disparities.
  • Civic engagement encompasses many activities, from helping people get to the polls, calling your legislators in critical moments, or leveraging organizing for positive social change. Sojourners’ videos and printable resources will help you get started.
  • Visit our resources page to access available curriculum and toolkits.

Church and Clergy Resources

Healthy places of worship build resilience, inspire hope, and offer a vision for transformation. By providing clergy and lay leaders with the resources to live out their call to public discipleship more effectively, Sojourners aims to empower you to be part of a movement that transforms our world.

  • El Camino - The Way is a library of sermons focused on the immigrant experience, with videos, scripture references, tips for preaching about immigration, and tools for churches seeking justice with immigrant communities.
  • 100 Semons on Sexual and Domestic Violence hosts a library of videos, scripture references, and quotes from each sermon so your community learns to prevent intimate violence and makes your church a safer sanctuary for survivors.
  • Preaching the Word is a premium service curated by the editors of Sojourners magazine based on the lectionary system used by the global church. We’ve designed this service to help deepen your connection between weekly Bible readings and contemporary social justice topics, prepare for justice-focused sermons, and access unique commentary not found anywhere else.
  • Church Engagement - The Faith and Justice Clergy Network provides encouragement, connection and support to pastors while The Faith-Rooted Advocates Network (FRAN) equips congregations to advocate and mobilize on issues they are about.
Adam Russell Taylor - Sojourners

Speakers bureau

Sojourners’ team is passionate in their faith and knowledgeable in their topics. We can connect your audience to inspiring speakers who tell stories of how people like you are putting faith into action for social justice and peace. Our speakers have expertise and lived experience with a variety of topics. Sojourners will work with you to share a message that animates your audience and meets your goals.