Source: Washington Post (Acts of Faith) | Sarah Pulliam Bailey
Many evangelicals are wrestling with the question of whether you can support same-sex marriage and remain an evangelical.
Source: Baptist News Global | Bob Allen
Al Mohler expressed sadness but not surprise at Tony Campolo’s announcement June 8 that he supports full inclusion of gays and lesbians into the life of the church.
Source: Washington Post (Acts of Faith) | Karen Yates
Not too long ago we lived in an era in Christian publishing where a woman like Katie Davis would have never had the opportunity to publish a book.
Source: Religion Dispatches | Sarah Posner
This is what happens when there’s nothing left to say about marriage equality.
Source: Christian Standard | Ben Cachiaras
Rather than choosing, they find a way to have both, “to have both A and B,” instead of choosing one or the other.
Source: ABA Journal | Kevin Davis
Conservatives coming out against capital punishment are part of a broader movement among conservatives who are supporting criminal justice reform policies once largely the domain of liberal-minded politicians.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
Rather we should begin with repentance for those mistakes by listening better and humbly seeking better solutions.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
For those of us who are Christians, let's make that choice--between the theology of Fox and the theology of Jesus.
Source: Huffington Post | Joy Strickland
We are all poorer because of the 45 million people who live in poverty. It is possible to change this picture, but first we must change our consciousness.
Source: Get Religion Blog | Terry Mattingly
God forgives. Bandidos don't. A crucial, relevant fact at the heart of the fighting in, yes, Waco and the heart of Texas?
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
How refreshing it was to be in the presence of leaders of faith are more interested in the needs of the poor and the call of Christ than in being "conformed to this world" and its shallow interests or reducing gospel concerns to a few hot-button social and sexual issues.
Source: The Washington Post | Sarah Pulliam Bailey
This week, Washington saw a high-profile example of another new way conservative evangelicals and Catholics are teaming up in public more — a summit around poverty.
Source: NBC online | Joy-Ann Reid
Whenever President Barack Obama wades into the debate over the causes of poverty, he often encounters critics at both ends of the ideological spectrum.
Source: Time Magazine (online) | Elizabeth Dias
On Monday in Washington, a diverse group of 120 political, religious and civic leaders including President Obama will gather at Georgetown University for a three-day Catholic-Evangelical leadership summit on poverty, in large part thanks to Pope Francis.
Source: Huffington Post | Carol Kuruvilla
According to a report from the PRRI, when white evangelical Protestants heard about Freddie Gray’s death, they were likely to say that it was just an isolated incident.
Source: Eugene Weekly | Shirley Kingsbury
We can again be a leader for our nation and at the same time join the rest of the countries of our developed world in providing health care for all.
Source: Broad Street Review | Maria Thompson Corley
It will take more than smiles and hugs to make Sandtown-Winchester a neighborhood that inspires hope, rather than despair.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
Baltimore is a parable, a story that can teach us important lessons, and one in which we are still missing the most important lessons.
Source: Presbyterian Record | Fred Stewart

Post-Christian Canada does not need to see another messy church split. It is already convinced that we are irrelevant—both liberal and evangelical. 

Source: Washington Post (Acts of Faith) | Lisa Sharon Harper
Let us pray for the end of the fires, and the end of “next times.”