Thoughts, Prayers, and Action

This is a brief overview of the Thoughts, Prayers, and Action Campaign. Access the complete, printable toolkit for distribution here

On Sunday, March 18, 2018, before the attention of the country turns to Washington, D.C., as students gather for the March 24 “March for Our Lives” rally, we encourage:

  • Pastors to take a moment during their services to call their congregation’s attention to the moral and spiritual dimensions of this moment. 
  • Congregations to designate a time for special prayer during each of their morning worship services, to pray for the students that worship in their churches. 
  • Churches to prayerfully consider sharing the three actions that are the centerpiece of the movement.
    1. Pass truly universal background checks.
    2. Ban assault weapons.
    3. Participate in boycotts. 


We are asking congregations to capture photos of their youth and parishioners praying during their services on March 18 and share their photos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, using the hashtag #ThoughtsPrayersAction. We also ask that congregations use the hashtag for related social media posts.

We want the activity of engaged young believers and their congregations to be on full display as we look to God for protection and guidance in our efforts.

Sample Twitter / Instagram Posts
  • “Social change always comes when the next generation decides to no longer accept what the last generation accepted.” —@jimwallis #ThoughtsPrayersAction
  • Prayer and good policy-making are not mutually exclusive. Prayer and political action is the path to change. #ThoughtsPrayersAction
  • Background checks for every gun sale keep guns out of the wrong hands and saves lives. #ThoughtsPrayersAction
  • The U.S. leads the world in mass shootings, with more than 50% more shootings than every other country. #ThoughtsPrayersAction
Facebook Profile Photo

Encourage your congregants to add a #ThoughtsPrayersAction frame to their Facebook profile photos. Add the frame by logging into Facebook and clicking here.