gender inclusive language

Emerson Powery 5-09-2022

Mark Boulton / Alamy

Why are there so many Bible translations? What is a good Bible translation for people who want to put their faith in action to fight injustice?

Christian Piatt 11-07-2012
Possibly Christian hipster, nemke /

Possibly Christian hipster, nemke /

Following the creation of my first five articles in this ongoing series about Christian cliches (links below), I was alerted to the fact that my lists were notably absent of particular cliches often employed by emergent Christians. While the emergent Christians are endeavoring to re-imagine the way we engage faith, one another and the world differently, the movement still is dependent on human beings. As such, we tend to screw it up.

So in the spirit of fairness, I offer you a list of things emergent Christians can and should strike from our daily lexicon …