SojoAction (Sojourners' ministry of faith-rooted advocacy), in partnership with Faiths United to Save Democracy, invites interfaith and multicultural faith leaders – lay and clergy – to protect vulnerable voters. During a time when voting rights are facing significant challenges, the role of poll chaplains becomes ever more critical. Poll chaplains emerge as crucial facilitators of fair and equitable voting, upholding the pillars of democracy for every community. During the 2024 election season, we will be working in the following 10 key states: ALABAMA, ARIZONA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, MICHIGAN, NORTH CAROLINA, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA, TEXAS, and WISCONSIN. If you are a resident in any of these states, please join our work. Even if you are not a resident in these states but are interested in defending democracy, we still encourage you to apply. Applicants will have the opportunity for training for civic engagement as a member of the faith community. Empower yourself and begin the journey to become a poll chaplain for the upcoming election!
Still interesting in learning more before signing up? Check out our "What Are Poll Chaplains" info sheet below!