Hit the Hallelujah Button: From the Junior High Lunch Table | Sojourners

Hit the Hallelujah Button: From the Junior High Lunch Table

Cafeteria tray and food. Via http://www.wylio.com/credits/Flickr/2033876359
Cafeteria tray and food. Via http://www.wylio.com/credits/Flickr/2033876359

Each day leading until Christmas we will post a different video rendition of the "Hallelujah Chorus" for your holiday enjoyment and edification.

Today Handel's "Hallelujah" is brought to you by the junior high students from Oostburg Christian School in Oostburg, Wisconsin.


The OCS kids stated their own tween version of a "Hallelujah" flash mob in the school cafeteria. The resulting video of their impromptu-ish performance is heartwarmingly earnest and awkward. Just like junior high itself (in its best moments.)

Merry Christmas, kids. Thanks for sharing your "Hallelujah" with the rest of us.


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