The Afternoon News: Tuesday Nov. 8, 2011 | Sojourners

The Afternoon News: Tuesday Nov. 8, 2011

NEW YORK TIMES: Oppression Is Not A State’s Right (Opinion)

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Elected officials in Southern states barring the schoolhouse door, shaking their fists at the federal government over civil rights, the Constitution and their right to oppress minority groups without Washington’s meddling.

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FOX NEWS: Twenty-Five Years After Reagan's 'Amnesty' Bill, Conservatives Should Support Increased Immigration (Opinion)

Twenty-five years ago, the Immigration Reform and Control Act became law. Most people know the act as the 1986 “amnesty” bill.  Since then, conservative rhetoric about an “invasion” and the “taking” of American jobs by immigrants has escalated. This rhetoric is not only wrong, but contrary to conservative principles and deadly to long-run Republican political prospects.

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PUBLIC RELIGION RESEARCH INSTITUTE: New Survey: Strong Majority Say Society Would Be Better Off If Distribution Of Wealth More Equal

A strong majority (60 percent) of Americans say that society would be better off if the distribution of wealth were more equal. A new major national survey finds that majorities of every religious group and religiously unaffiliated Americans agree on this point; however, there are large partisan, ethnic, and generational disagreements about the distribution of wealth in society.

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THINK PROGRESS: Bill McKibben: Surrounding The White House Is A Historic Step In The Keystone XL Fight

There are days along any journey that stick with you, and today was one of them. Under blue Indian Summer skies, more than ten thousand people from every corner of the country descended on Washington; then, with great precision, they fanned out to ring the White House and take a stand against the Keystone pipeline.

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THE CHRISTIAN POST: Obama Split Over Keystone Pipeline: Side With Christians, Environmentalists Or Unions?
Despite the president’s attempts to stall a decision allowing the construction of a TransCanada Keystone XL oil pipeline, Barack Obama is caught in a desperate position where he is being pressured to choose, sooner rather than later, between either jobs or the environment.

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THE ATLANTIC WIRE: 29% Of U.S. Homes Are Underwater (Figuratively)

More than a quarter of U.S. homeowners owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, according to a new report from Zillow, a real estate website.

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