News: Quick Links 2 | Sojourners

News: Quick Links 2

Occupy Wall Street's struggle for nonviolence.
On Saturday, the Washington Post splashed a photo on its front page of an Occupy Wall Street protester apparently tackling a police officer during a march Friday morning in lower Manhattan. '


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What do marriage and family have to do with economic growth?
A lot, in fact. According to a new international report, there are multiple links between a strong economy and marriage and family.

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While corporate profits are at 60-year high, main street businesses continue to struggle.
Even as the economy struggles, corporate profits continue to rise. Wells Fargo, the largest consumer lender in America, announced today that its third-quarter earnings rose 21 percent, to $4.1 billion. Citigroup, the nation's third-largest bank, also released its earnings statement today, announcing that its third-quarter earnings rose 73 percent over last year, with $3.8 billion in profits. Even though JP Morgan Chase saw its earnings fall from a year ago, it still raked in more than $3 billion in profits.
Learn more HERE.

Herman Cain to meet with Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio over immigration.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio appeared on CNN's "American Morning" Monday ahead of a press conference with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain and the chairman of the Arizona Republican party in Phoenix. Arpaio was first asked why the GOP candidates were seeking his endorsement.

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Map: Protesters' long-term plans for occupying Zuccotti Park.
By the weekend of October 15, the Zuccotti campers had adopted this new plan for the park and reorganized themselves accordingly. As the Occupy Wall Street movement has caught fire over the past week, reporters and pundits keep asking whether the occupiers can unite around a common goal. Will they tackle income inequality, corporate control of politics, Wall Street reforms? Maybe. But the first order of business is much more basic: figuring out how to organize and maintain their impromptu campground.
Learn more HERE.

Faith and politics have always gone together in America and they always will.
The cliché is tired but it evokes the truth: When in polite company, most of us have been told to mind our manners regarding the discussion of two subjects thought to be toxic in their combination: Religion and politics. Who of us who have dared to transgress that boundary has not paid a price in the odd glance, abrupt end of a conversation, or worse?
Learn more HERE.

Joshua Witchger is editorial Web assistant for Sojourners.