Daily News Digest | Sojourners

Daily News Digest

the latest news on Castro's retirement, Pakistan elections, Charitable choice, Campaign 2008, Housing, Unemployment, Bush in Africa, Kosovo, Kenya, Iran, and the British Iraq dossier

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Campaign-Democrats. Will Wisconsin primary build Obama streak? "Observers are watching closely to see if he can not only fuel the perception of an Obama juggernaut by heading into the crucial Ohio and Texas primaries with a 10-0 winning streak, but also if he can continue to make inroads into some of Clinton's core supporters, including women and senior citizens." Clinton and Obama travel a populist route "An eroding economy has left industrial state voters uneasy and angry, and as Hillary Rodham Clinton made her last stops in Wisconsin before today's primary and Barack Obama swept across Ohio in advance of the state's March 4 contest, both tailored their messages to tie into the anxious mood." Democrats Make Populist Appeals Before Contests "Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama intensified their populist appeals, responding to widespread economic anxiety and pushing the Democratic Party further from the business-friendly posture once championed by Bill Clinton."

Campaign-Republicans. McCain Picks Up Elder Bush Support "John McCain picked up former President George H.W. Bush's support, a critical blessing by a pillar of the Republican establishment whose members aren't completely sold on the party's next standard-bearer." A Strong Endorsement for McCain From a Former President "The former president gave Mr. McCain a strong endorsement that the candidate said he hoped would help unite the fractured Republican Party behind his presidential bid." Team Forms New Plan for New Fight "Five top aides to Sen. John McCain hunkered down for two days of meetings at the senator's rustic cabin south of Flagstaff, Ariz., over the weekend as they began to plot his transformation from primary-season candidate to Republican nominee."

Charitable choice. Battle brews over federal funds, religious groups "There's a heated behind-the-scenes battle brewing in the Senate to kill language in a mental health and social services law that allows religious groups who receive federal funds to continue hiring only people of their particular faith."

Housing. Empty housing costing millions "Abandoned houses and vacant lots are sapping the life from Ohio's urban neighborhoods and costing $64 million a year, according to a report released today that studied the problem in Columbus and seven other cities."

Unemployment. Low unemployment rate hides rise in longterm jobless " jobless Americans are spending more time looking for work and that those who can't find work now make up a greater share of the unemployed. Several measures of unemployment, in fact, show that the workforce is under the kind of stress not seen since March 2001, when the U.S. economy entered a nine-month recession."

Castro retires. Fidel Castro announces retirement "Cuba's ailing leader Fidel Castro has said he will not accept another term as president, ending 49 years in power. "I neither will aspire to, nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief," Castro resigns after nearly 50 years leading Cuba "Saying he is no longer healthy enough to hold office, Cuban leader Fidel Castro has announced he will not seek reelection after 49 years in power and nearly 19 months sidelined by illness, marking the first official step in a long-awaited succession in the island's leadership."

Pakistan elections. Musharraf foes triumph at polls "The main party backing President Pervez Musharraf has admitted defeat in Pakistan's elections. The two main opposition parties, the PPP of late PM Benazir Bhutto and the PML-N, led by another former PM, Nawaz Sharif, have a clear majority." Musharraf's party appears to be losing Pakistan vote "President Pervez Musharraf's party appeared headed for a decisive defeat at the hands of two opposition parties after a tense nationwide vote, according to unofficial preliminary returns and local media projections." Musharraf accepts defeat in Pakistan vote "Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, apparently handed a huge defeat in elections for his country's national assembly, accepts the results and may be willing to assume a largely ceremonial role,"

Bush in Africa. Bush invokes Rwanda in call to stop Darfur atrocities "George Bush described his visit today to mass graves and a memorial the 1994 genocide in Rwanda as a reminder of the need to resist "violence and genocide in Darfur". In Africa, Bush touts aid efforts, basks in popularity "This week, after signing a major $700 million US development package with Tanzania, Mr. Bush heard these words from his Tanzanian counterpart, President Jakaya Kikwete: "Different people may have different views about you and your administration and your legacy," he said. "We in Tanzania, if we are to speak for ourselves and for Africa, we know for sure that you, Mr. President, and your administration, have been good friends of our country and ... of Africa."

Kosovo. Kosovo Is Recognized but Rebuked by Others"Kosovo won the recognition of the United States and its biggest Western European allies, while earning rebukes and rejections from Serbia, Russia and a disparate mix of states the world over who face their own separatist movements at home." Russia warns US over Kosovo move "Russia has warned the US that Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia endangers international stability." "

Iran. Iran's supreme leader: God will reprimand Iranians if they give up nuclear activity"Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Sunday that god would punish Iranians if they do not support the country's disputed nuclear program."

British Iraq dossier. British Iraq Dossier Surfaces, Without Crucial Weapons Claim "An early version of a British dossier of prewar intelligence on Iraq did not include a claim about unconventional weapons that became crucial to Prime Minister Tony Blair's case for war, the newly published document showed Monday."

Feature. Remixing the Gospel "The Gospel according to Rev. Otis Moss III is gritty and fierce. At the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ, he calls Moses a "thug" transformed into a liberator by God. He compares Biblical prejudice against lepers to racism faced by blacks. He peppers his sermon with hip-hop, finding spiritual yearning in the songs of Common."