Latin Tattoos and 24 Hours of Televangelism | Sojourners

Latin Tattoos and 24 Hours of Televangelism

While working on my upcoming book for Seabury Press - Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television, a theological and cultural commentary based on my experience watching 24 consecutive hours of the Trinity Broadcasting Network - I faced the issue of sanctification, sin, and leadership in the church. TBN preacher Paula White said the following on her show: "Sanctification is a progressive process you go from glory to glory to glory." (And by "progressive," I don't think she means Jim Wallis.)

I have no idea what she means when she says we go "from glory to glory to glory." I think I need an English-to-evangelical parallel dictionary, but I do know how I feel about progressive sanctification -- namely that it's hooey. And here's why: I believe we are all (watch me get all fancy on the Latin here) simul iustus et peccator

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