The latest news on President Speaks at Notre Dame, Supreme Court, Foreclosures, Climate Change, Obama-Netanyahu Meeting, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan-Darfur, India, and Select Op-eds. | Sojourners

The latest news on President Speaks at Notre Dame, Supreme Court, Foreclosures, Climate Change, Obama-Netanyahu Meeting, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan-Darfur, India, and Select Op-eds.

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Quote of the day. "My district feels like ground zero. In military terms, we are being pillaged." New York City Councilman James Sanders Jr., an African American who represents hundreds of blocks in Queens hit by foreclosures. (New York Times)

Feature. Read this over coffee "The heavenly brew, once deemed harmful to health, is turning out to be, if not quite a health food, at least a low-risk drink, and in many ways a beneficial one. It could protect against diabetes, liver cancer, cirrhosis and Parkinson's disease."

President speaks at Notre Dame. Obama Addresses Abortion Protests in Commencement Speech at Notre Dame "Amid a scattering of angry protests over his support for abortion rights, President Obama addressed the issue head-on Sunday at the University of Notre Dame, calling for 'open hearts, open minds, fair-minded words' in the pursuit of 'common ground.'" Notre Dame cheers, jeers Obama "Engaging the culture war directly, President Obama made a plea Sunday at the University of Notre Dame for both sides to talk to each other with 'open hearts, open minds, fair-minded words' on abortion and other fiery issues." At Notre Dame, Obama Calls for Civil Tone in Abortion Debate "President Obama directly confronted America's deep divide over abortion on Sunday as he appealed to partisans on each side to find ways to respect one another's basic decency and even work together to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies." At Notre Dame, Obama tackles abortion debate "Confronting the nation's deep schism over abortion, President Obama on Sunday called for greater understanding on all sides and 'open hearts, open minds, fair-minded words' on the issue as he spoke to graduates at one of America's premier Catholic universities." Transcript: Obama's Commencement Address at Notre Dame

Supreme Court. Republicans in Senate Lower Expectations of a Court Fight "While there is growing anticipation that the summer will bring the spectacle of a pitched Supreme Court confirmation battle, some Senate Republicans are lowering expectations that they are planning any major political fight." Abortion, gay marriage complicate Supreme Court selection "Obama is determined to avoid a 'culture war' over the choice, White House aides and Democratic lawyers say, and he hopes to select a candidate who will not galvanize conservative activists over wedge issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage." What another woman would bring to Supreme Court "For advocates of women's rights, adding another female justice is not about diversity for diversity's sake. It's about bringing women's perspectives and life experiences into interpretations of law, and about helping the male justices see things through their eyes."

Foreclosures. Minorities Hit Hardest by Foreclosures in New York "Late to arrive in the Northeast, the foreclosure crisis has swept through the New York region at an explosive pace in the past two years, destroying billions of dollars in housing wealth,