The latest news on Climate Change, Health Insurance, Puerto Rico, Foreclosures, Global Unemployment, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Mideast, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Select Op-eds. | Sojourners

The latest news on Climate Change, Health Insurance, Puerto Rico, Foreclosures, Global Unemployment, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Mideast, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Select Op-eds.

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Quote of the day. "The United States and the international community have been appalled and outraged by the threats, the beatings and imprisonments of the last few days. I strongly condemn these unjust actions, and I join with the American people in mourning each and every innocent life that is lost." President Barack Obama on Iran. (Washington Post)

Climate change. House to Vote on Cap-and-Trade Emissions Bill “Democratic leaders in the House have scheduled a Friday vote on a climate change bill that would establish a complex cap-and-trade system to limit the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, a priority for President Obama.”

Health insurance. Obama challenges health insurance industry arguments “In an effort to maintain control of the healthcare debate, President Obama on Tuesday ridiculed critics of his government-run insurance proposal, saying private insurers have nothing to fear if they are efficient and consumer-friendly.” Obama Says Government Health Coverage Plan Would Not Hurt Private Insurers “President Obama made a detailed case on Tuesday for a new government-administered health insurance plan, but he did not rule out signing a bill that lacks such an option if he cannot win enough support from Democrats in Congress.” 'Public Option' May Be Health-Care Bill's Highest Hurdle in Senate “The 'public option' has emerged as the crux of the unfolding debate over health-care reform on Capitol Hill, an ideological flash point that has become perhaps the greatest challenge for the Senate negotiators attempting to reach a compromise that could actually become law.” Obama Turns to Grass Roots to Push Health Reform as Debate Rages on Capitol Hill “The Washington discussion, focused on the high costs and uncertain results of competing proposals, is not going Obama's way. In search of momentum, the president and his troops are preparing for a prime-time broadcast Wednesday night and a weekend of grass-roots projects from canvasses to blood drives.”

Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico leaders to lobby Congress for a greater voice “Puerto Rico's top political leaders are heading to Washington Wednesday to battle over a bill that could result in the first congressionally mandated referendum on the future of the island's political status.”

Foreclosures. Not Paying the Mortgage, Yet Stuck With the Keys “A growing number of American homeowners are falling into financial limbo: They're badly behind on payments, but their banks have not yet foreclosed.”

Global unemployment. Jobless rate to rise globally, study says “The number of unemployed workers in the world's wealthiest nations will continue to expand long after the global recession ends, with jobless rates jumping to nearly 10 percent, an organization of advanced economies said Tuesday.”

Iran. Iran 'will not yield' to protesters “Iran's supreme leader has vowed the country's leadership will not give in to mass protests against the disputed re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president.” Obama Steps Up Criticism of Iran's Crackdown on Election Protests “President Obama yesterday abandoned the restrained tone he had maintained in recent days in discussing the unrest in Iran, opening a news conference by reading a statement loaded with diplomatically charged words: 'appalled' and 'outraged,' 'condemn' and 'deplore.'" Obama Condemns Iran’s Iron Fist Against Protests “President Obama hardened his tone toward Iran on Tuesday, condemning the government for its crackdown against election protesters and accusing Iran’s leaders of fabricating charges against the United States.” Iran extends deadline for election inquiry “Iran's constitutional watchdog received approval Tuesday to extend its examination of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed reelection victory beyond today's deadline to Monday, state television reported.” Iranian hard-liners attempt to shut down opposition movement “Iran's hard-line leaders moved aggressively Tuesday to silence protests over the disputed June 12 presidential election, rejecting demands for a new vote and announcing that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be sworn in for second term as early as July 26.”

Iraq. Spate of Attacks Tests Iraqi City and U.S. Pullout “With the June 30 withdrawal deadline for American combat troops from Iraqi cities and towns drawing near, that attack and others like it are particularly ominous for officials who see Falluja as a test case for the rest of the country.”

Pakistan. 'U.S. drone' hits Pakistan funeral “Up to 80 people have been killed after missiles were fired from a U.S. 'drone' at the funeral of a suspected Taliban commander of the Pakistani Taliban in South Waziristan.” U.S. Drone Strike Said to Kill 60 in Pakistan “An airstrike believed to have been carried out by a United States drone killed at least 60 people at a funeral for a Taliban fighter in South Waziristan on Tuesday, residents of the area and local news reports said.” Pakistan's Plans for 2nd Major Army Operation Prompts Concerns and Criticisms “As they bake in a sea of plastic tents under the relentless sun, families displaced by the recent army campaign against Taliban forces in the Swat Valley have a single, burning question about the Pakistani government's plans for a far more ambitious military assault against armed extremists in the tribal area of South Waziristan.”

Mideast. U.S.-Israel talks in Paris aborted “A meeting between Israel's prime minister and a senior U.S. envoy has been cancelled amid growing differences over settlement building in the West Bank.” Israel removes dozens of West Bank roadblocks “Right under the nose of the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israel Defense Forces has lifted some of the main, permanent roadblocks in the West Bank, which have played a central role in restricting the movement of Palestinians, mostly between the main Palestinian cities.” U.S. to restore ambassador to Syria “The U.S. is to send an ambassador to Damascus for the first time in four years as part of a push towards a peace deal between Israel and Syria.”

Afghanistan. Treasury Board pegs Afghan tab $1.35B higher “The Treasury Board says that the cost of Canada's military mission in Afghanistan for the next two years will be $1.35-billion higher than projected a year ago by the Defense Department.”

Sudan. White House Boosts Effort to Salvage North-South Peace in Sudan “The Obama administration stepped up its efforts yesterday to salvage a four-year-old peace accord for Sudan, convening officials from 32 countries and international organizations amid fears that Africa's longest-running civil war could resume.”

Opinion. Tyranny's new nightmare: Twitter (Tim Rutten, Los Angeles Times) “Two things of immense consequence have occurred since the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square: For economic reasons, far fewer Western journalists are dispatched to cover international crises, like the June 12 Iranian election; at the same time, millions of people around the world -- and particularly in countries with large, well-educated young urban populations, like China and Iran -- have joined the new media revolution.” The Green Revolution(s) (Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times) “… Iranian reformers don’t need our praise. They need the one thing we could do, without firing a shot, that would truly weaken the Iranian theocrats and force them to unshackle their people. What’s that? End our addiction to the oil that funds Iran’s Islamic dictatorship. Launching a real Green Revolution in America would be the best way to support the 'Green Revolution' in Iran.”

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