Here in the Sojo offices, all is abustle as we complete preparations for The Mobilization to End Poverty (it's not too late for you to make plans to attend -- on-site registration will be open). For those who can't make it, I'll be live blogging and twittering from the event. But there's a better reason than my humble efforts to be excited about Sojo Mobilization updates.
Six words, my friends: Ed Spivey and Twitter, together at last. That's right, the world's leading venue of 140-character-or-less manifestos will finally be united with the writer of H'rumphs, Sojourners' official King of the Bon Mot. Ed will be blogging as well! So stay tuned to (look for posts starting with "M2EP Live"), and consider dipping into the Twittersphere by signing up here.
I, for one, am atwitter with expectation!
Elizabeth Palmberg is an assistant editor of Sojourners.
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