Lowell Bliss is the director of Eden Vigil, and the author of Environmental Missions: Planting Churches and Trees. He watched the State of the Union address while on a trip in the Redwood forest of Northern California. On Monday, he saw his first whale off the coast of Patrick’s Point State Park.

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What Good Is a Bridge If We Never Cross It?

by Lowell Bliss 01-30-2014

What good is a bridge if we never cross it? Rebell/Shutterstock

Energy policy and climate change action are inexorably linked, like two oxen in a yoke.

The trouble with this set-up is that while climate action tends to look straight ahead, energy policy is apt to veer off on any number of paths, some of them quite well-meaning, like job growth or “energy independence.”

Last night’s State of the Union address by President Obama was, I’m afraid, one such experience for climate action, which compared to the huge bull of energy issues is a yearling at best. The yoke between energy and climate did get mentioned by the president, but the yoke pressed toward economic growth, the paradigm which many argue is responsible for our ecological crisis in the first place.  It’s enough to strain a vertebra.