Alyssa Bain is 22. She is Colorado born and bred, was schooled in Los Angeles, and currently lives and volunteers in New York City. Her passions include reconciliation and justice, creativity, and riding her motorcycle to beautiful hiking spots in the Rocky Mountains.

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Meet the Nones: Building Bridges Between Nones and Nuns

by Alyssa Bain 10-19-2012
Photo: SVLuma /

Photo: SVLuma /

Editor's Note: Alyssa Bain tells her story of why she's part of the 20 percent of Americans who identify with "no religion in particular." Find more stories (or share your own) HERE. Read about the study HERE.

Last weekend I watched Sister Act (both of them, actually) with some friends (who also happen to be nuns)

I am not a nun. I am not a novice. I am not Catholic. Some days I wonder if I am even Christian.

According to a recent study by the Pew Forum, I actually just might be a “none.”

The research is out, and it seems that my generation is stumping the world as the generation that, for whatever reason, refuses to label itself. 

Personally, I’ve been having trouble with labeling myself for quite some time. Lutheran. Non-denominational. Methodist. Universalist. Evangelical. Protestant.

But none of them quite fit right. The problem with labels is that there are always exceptions. Nothing is black and white. The label “none” lumps together atheists, agnostics, and, well, me. I am not an atheist. I might be kind of agnostic, but there really is just something about that Jesus guy.