Shadrack Omuka is a freelance journalist and a photographer based in Nairobi, Kenya. He specializes in science, culture, human rights, environment, business, climate change and technology. His work has appeared in publications including Earth Island Journal, Equal Times, News Deeply, Inter Press Service, Thomson Reuters, Water World, and World Economic Forum, among others.
Posts By This Author
Kenyan Catholics’ Coffee Farm Shares Conservation Skills To Neighbors
A government officer prepares to plant trees in the Mount Kenya region. The Archdiocese of Nyeri, Kenya, operates Nyeri Hill Farm, a 3,000-acre farm that produces coffee and tea, in the region. The farm was started for evangelization and has expanded its goals to focus heavily on forest restoration and environmental conservation. Shadrack Omuka/National Catholic Reporter
Surrounded by hills, valleys, dirt roads and vast, uncultivated, semi-arid lands dotted with acacia trees and cacti sits the Archdiocese of Nyerim, Kenya’s Nyeri Hill Farm.