May 5, 2021
Verse of the day
Sing a new song to YHWH, who has worked wonders, whose right hand and holy arm have brought deliverance! YHWH has made salvation known and shown divine justice to the nations.
Psalm 98:1-2 (The Inclusive Bible)
Voice of the day
It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. [God] gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.
Prayer of the day
Open our hearts to your power moving around us and between us and within us, until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy, in communities transformed by justice and compassion, and in the healing of all that is broken.
From Revised Common Lectionary Prayers